According to the Stack overflow developer survey of 2018, only 6.9% of participants responded as women. To me, as a female, those numbers are absolutely terrifying because it makes me, and many other women, feel alone. The goal of this project is to remind women in Computer Science at UH Manoa that they, in fact, are never alone. Being a female in any form of science or engineering is harrowing as these fields have been traditionally male dominated and are also academically demanding. The goal of this project is to create a sense of community for women and other under represented groups in Computer Science at UH Manoa, which we propose can be achieved by starting an ACM-W chapter on campus.
This essay is a thought provoking piece on the insights of the gender gap in technology related fields. However, just because it is plausible that MOST women may not be interested in Computer Science, it is our mission to support those that are.
Myself, along with two other female students Mirabella and Mercedez, are attempting to start said group which will be called Supporting Women and Minorities in Computer Science, or SWMCS for short. Recently ICSpace, a place at UH Manoa dedicated to Computer Science students, received Title IX training in response to the results of a Campus Climate survey. While it is encouraging that UH is willing to educate their students on these matters, it is disheartening to know that we needed it in the first place. In order to improve the atmosphere among Computer Science students, SWMCS will have two areas of interest: Community Outreach Education and Academic Development for UH Manoa students.
Anyone, regardless of gender or ethnic identity, can pledge their support for this organization. If you or anyone you know is interested in getting involved, please visit our GitHub page for more information.